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SFYHA Board Member Elections 2024

Sioux Falls Youth Hockey Families

As we near the end of another hockey season, Sioux Falls Youth Hockey will be hosting electronic generated elections March 24-30. SFYHA is looking for volunteers in order to present a slate of candidates for the following:

Board of Directors

  • President (Even calendar year election – 2 year term)
  • Vice-President (Even calendar year election – 2 year term)
  • Director of Travel League (Even calendar year election – 2 year term)
  • Director of City League (Even calendar year election – 2 year term)

Nominations are due March 11. Terms of office begin May 1.

Travel League Advisory Council – Board Appointed Positions

  • High School League Manager
  • PeeWee League Manager
  • Lady Flyers League Manager
  • Squirt League Manager
  • Bantam League Manager

City League Advisory Council – Board Appointed Positions

  • Mini-Atom Supervisor
  • Mite Travel League Manager
  • Atom League Supervisor
  • Intermediate City League Supervisor
  • Atom Short Session Supervisor
  • Advanced City League Supervisor
  • Mite City League Supervisor

Advisory Council Members will begin their positions May 1, 2024
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If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for any of the above positions, fill out a Nominating
Form and return it no later than March 11th to:

Sioux Falls Youth Hockey Association
PO Box 89214
Sioux Falls, SD 57109

The Fastest Game in Town!

Open Forum – Meet the Candidates for SFYHA Board Positions!!

SFYHA Families are invited to attend an Open Forum to meet the candidates for Open Positions for Sioux Falls Youth Hockey Association Board of Directors

Monday – March 18, 2024 at 7:00pm
Sanford IcePlex Community Room

Candidates will be invited to speak for 5 minutes each. A facilitator will serve as moderator and the audience will be invited to ask questions of the candidates. Voting will not take place the night of the Open Forum. Brief candidate information will be available at the Candidate Forum.


Positions elected by electronic voting in late March

SFYHA Board Positions

PRESIDENT - The President shall serve as the chair of the board and shall preside at all meetings of SFYHA Board of Directors, calling meetings of the Board of Directors, as he/she deems necessary. The President shall appoint whatever committees are necessary to carry out the objectives of SFYHA and shall serve as a member of all standing and appointed committees of SFYHA, and shall be accorded the same rights and privileges as any other committee member, including but not necessarily limited to the right to make, second, and amend motions, and the right to vote
on any issues coming before such committee. The President shall also exercise any other authority the Board of Directors shall assign to him/her. The President shall serve as the board’s principal point of contact for all administrative officers of the SFYHA.

VICE-PRESIDENT – In the absence of the President or during his/her incapacity (as determined in its sole discretion by the Board of Directors), the President's duties will be performed by the Vice-President. The Vice-President shall also perform such other duties and functions as the Board of Directors, the President, or these Bylaws may prescribe.

DIRECTOR of TRAVEL LEAGUE - The Director of the Travel League shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and is the Board Representative for the Travel League Advisory Council. This person is the liaison between the League Managers, Team Coordinators, parents, players, and the SFYHA Board of Directors. This person works closely with the support personnel and League Managers to ensure that the leagues are following SFYHA Bylaws,
Policies and Guidelines. The Director of Travel League will be responsible for coordinating and conducting meetings of the Travel League Advisory Council. The Director of Travel League cannot serve as a League Manager at the same time, unless approved by the Board of Directors.

DIRECTOR of CITY LEAGUE –The Director of City League shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and is the Board representative for the City League Advisory Council. This person is the liaison between City League Supervisors, Team Coordinators, parents, players, and the SFYHA Board of Directors. This person shall work closely with the support personnel to ensure that the leagues are following SFYHA Bylaws, Policies and Guidelines. The
Director of the City League will be responsible for coordinating and conducting meetings of the City League Advisory Council. The Director of the City League cannot serve as a League Manager at the same time unless approved by the Board of Directors.

Positions Appointed by the SFYHA Board of Directors

Advisory Council Positions

TRAVEL LEAGUE MANAGERS – The League Managers are the Advisory Council representatives of the Leagues. They are the liaison between team coordinators, team players, parents, coaches, and Director of the Travel League. This position ensures compliance with SFYHA Bylaws, Policies and Guidelines and helps players develop and be challenged as they advance through the program. League Managers will work closely with support personnel.

ATOM , MITE, INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED CITY LEAGUE SUPERVISORS - These positions will serve as a direct link between their league and the Director of the City League. The City League Supervisors will work closely with the Support Personnel to ensure compliance with SFYHA Bylaws, Policies and Guidelines. The City League Supervisors will coordinate City League practices and games.